
Dear Sirs,

Through this letter we address you in order to request the entrance from our company Thelos in their partnership and be part of it, and to your consideration, I submit my profile and of the company Thelos.

David Farell (CEO at Thelos) - Expert in design furniture edition.

Thanks to the experience gained during years producing customized furniture for the high quality interior design and decoration in Barcelona and its area I have acquired a enriching technical and production knowledge. This together with a continuous connection with European and international avant-garde furniture design, I use it to search, analyze and select the most suggestive and original design proposals from worldwide designers and lead their edition and production, to create original furniture collections designed to get extraordinary experiences for its users in the best projects in residential interior design, hospitality and contract sectors.

In my opinion, in a finite world like ours, where resources are shrinking and threatening the natural wealth for future generations, we do must create a values-based commitment for meet new standards of sustainable production and with a ethical relationships between all the citizens to change the wrong direction of the economy and relationships and create more empathic generations between ourselves and with our planet.

Very sensitive to this issue, we want to create fine furniture with the most innovative production at the highest technical level but with natural materials, sustainable processes healthy for the people and friendly with the environment.

Thelos (the company)

Thelos is a design furniture edition brand from Barcelona that selects, with sensitive art, design and sustainable criteria, the most fine contemporary design furniture of worldwide designers and artists. Thelos always works in empathy with users of its furniture to ensure the most extraordinary experiences. As the word Thelos mean: "The essence of the use", Thelos only performs furniture edition that containing the excellence in its use and in its aesthetics. Just with these values Thelos is what has to be: artisans of the empathy, of the hospitality, of the details. Thelos brings the empathy to the next level, to the entire planet, with conscious production and sustainable sources materials and not only respecting towards the people and the environment but also seeks to influence people to do the same. In short, the design essence with highest empathy.

Our company bases its values in the creation of highest design furniture and quality, with totally sustainable production. Our company has high quality professional staff and thanks to them our catalog is starting to have a big impact around the world thanks to its originality and strong message in each detail of our furniture design. We work hard in order to become a world leading brand in the field of interior design, architecture high-end and all design areas. With a completely original and innovative aesthetic product, we think our brand will remembered in time for his own hallmark.

We think we can make a both profit and share generate values by both parties too in the business sector and in the meantime the collective enrichment of society.
Hoping to you consider our request and accept our membership in its organization,

Best Regards,

David Farell
CEO at Thelos


Contact Info

Salmerón, 68 1C
P: +34931759037

Thelos is IDC member since 2014, with 2022 IDC rating.
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